The Benefits of Reading Fiction

Reading is a good activity that can stimulate humans' brains not only by reading some written words, but also the ideas that build the book. There are many kinds of written text, mostly people love reading stories or well-known as fiction. Reading fiction is not only a good activity for entertaining our brain, also giving some benefits to improve the function of the brain itself.

Reading fiction such as novels brings the reader into the imaginary world of the author. Mostly some authors write their imaginary world based on what just happened into their lives. It could be sad, happy and terrific or even horror. The reality gives them energy to let the ideas on their brain appear and put them into a sheet of paper. According to the process, the author bring their readers into an uncommon social situation. For example like a couple who cannot keep their love because their parents do not support it or when two young lovers have to deal with long distance relationship between two continents. All the situation that are written on a fiction relates to society, that’s why reading novels can stimulate the readers’ brains to deal with some manners in their lives. Even more there are other benefits that is given when we read a fiction such as a novel

Firstly, reading novels gives us some knowledges. What kind of knowledges it is? It is about how to deal with some manners that happen in your lives. Novels help you gain a perspective and a way of life from various points of view. Every novel has characters which are divided into protagonist and antagonist. They are just like humans in real life, the good person and bad person. Their story on a novel is built by plot which consists of introduction, climax, and the last solution. After we read a story, our social sensitivity can improve and we are going to be able to face some manner in real life.

The second benefit is improving memory. The reader will not only follow the plot of the story, but also remind the character, the name of the place, the time within the plot. Every story consists of those elements. A deep reader can remember the plot of the story he likes. It is a way to stimulate brain in oder to improve the memory. It could say that reading a fiction can give a burst to brain in improving their brain ability.

Next benefit you will get in reading a novel is the improvement of critical and analytical thinking. Novels are written by the author from the part of their world views. When you read their stories you get into their world. It is very useful when you see things from different views. It will give you a different appreciation for things you already know, and you will realize that it looks different than something you thought you ever did before. Additionally, if you understand about it, you can easily get the points from the author’s idea. The author serves a story by a plot. A great author will give you an unpredictable plot. Eventually, it will stimulate your critical and analytical thinking to work better than before.

Improving your concentration is included as the benefit of reading fiction. When you get into a great story, you will put an absolute focus in reading that story. Rather than surfing on the internet and checking your social media which divide your concentration, reading novel makes you focus on what you are doing right now, so you do not do some multitasking jobs which can decrease your concentration.

A great story was born of the author’s good writing skill. While you are reading a fiction, you improve your writing skill. A great story was built by a good structure. By reading a novel, you can get the example of a good writing. A best-selling novel can be guaranteed as a good novel because it has passed some editing of the publisher.

Writing is not only can stimulate your brain, but also can make your mind feel peaceful. When you read a novel, you get into the new world of author’s imagination. Enjoying every page of the novel can bring you into a peaceful situation. You can feel the wonderful world with hearing the sound page turning and the vision you create with your imagination while reading the novel.

Next benefit of reading novel is the improvement the quality of your sleep. Did you remember when you was a child your mom used to tell you a story before you go to bed? What did you feel after that? Most of you would dream about what your mom already told you, it is the effect of reading novel which orally recited by your mother. That’s why reading a novel can help you to improve the quality of your sleep.

Lastly, reading a novel help you in improving your creativity. Fiction allows you to create your own world. The function of reading a novel regularly is to make you able writing a great book. The benefit of reading novel is very useful to improve your creativity and imagination. According to some researches, reading a novel helps to improve creativity in literacy and sense about society which can help you improve the skill of solving-problem.

QAccording to some benefits that I already described. Reading makes somebody to be better than before. It is not only about the stimulation for our brain, but also the benefit of improving the creativity. When you a read a novel, you are not only help your brain to imagine, how the story goes on, but also bring you into the imaginary world of the author. It is very impressive that so many people can get the improvement of themselves. There are many researches that show reading a novel is very useful to improve ourselves physically and mentally.


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