How To Reduce Stress

Stress is something that always comes to people’s lives. Whoever they are, stress comes out when a problem cannot be solved. It has been a common issue that people try hard to reduce, even make it disappear. The problems are various, it could be about school, friend, family, crush and etc. In order to have a good life, stress must be reduced. People cannot stay with stressful lives. They want to be happy and run their live in fun and good way. There are many ways to do reduce stress, and I am going to describe them for you.

First, listening music is very effective to reduce stress. However, some genres of musics can bring sadness even make your eyes release tear. It is sad song, mostly breakup songs. So I suggest you to avoid them. Instead of listening to sad songs, listening to happy songs can make your mood up. There are many happy song in the world. Some song that I recommend are Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake, Idol by BTS (Bangtan Boys), etc. I can recommend them to you because they work to me so well.

Second, hanging out with friend is a fun way to release stress. When you are with them, they can make you laugh, and make you forget about your problems. You also can tell them about your problem. As good friends they will listen to you and probably give you some advice. Human are social creatures, you need someone else’s opinion about your problem. Maybe they once got the same problem just like you. After telling friends about your problem, your stress can reduce directly. So when you feel so stressful, just go hang out with friends. It could be going to café, restaurant, or park, anywhere that can make you feel comfortable.

If you are an introvert, you would be difficult to tell people or your friends about your problem. Maybe you think that your friend cannot keep your secret. If you think so, I suggest you to write down what makes you sad on a sheet of paper or your personal journal such as diary. You can release your problem which makes you stressful on paper. Be yourself when you write it down. You do not need to keep anything, just let it go. Release everything that make you sad, cry, and stressful. After writing down your problem on a sheet of paper, you can keep or just burn it. You can imagine when you are burning that paper, you are also burning the problem. It works to me. So it could be my recommendation for you when you feel or stressful, just write down then you can keep it or burn it.

Exercise is fun and healthy way to release your stress. When you are upset or stressful, your brain can make the body slow. Exercising can help you to release stress, because when you do some exercise such as jogging, push up, sit up, playing basketball, your blood circulation will work better. It can bring good oxygen to your brain, which can help it to reduce your stress. So instead of crying at home, doing some exercise is very useful to make your mood up.

The most important thing is letting go. You can let your stress stay any longer in your brain. It can affect you not only physically but also mentally. Besides doing those tips above, you need to let your stress go, by forgetting it. It does not sound easy for you, but if you do not try you will never know. Your stress appear due to the anxiety which happens because you feel that you will never be able to solve the problem. So the cause of your problem is from yourself. Letting it go is very needed in order to reduce your problem.

I already explain about some tips to reduce your stress. As what I said before stress happens because your anxiety take over your positive thoughts. You need to stay positive to make sure that you will not be anxious about your problem. Positive thoughts can put you into the situation which makes you turn into a happy person. It can help you to reduce your stress, and the effect is you can run your life better them before. We will never be able to avoid stress, because it is natural for human beings. What we can do is reducing, by keep your positive thoughts and do some tips above. So believe in yourself that you can be able to take over yourself from stress and anxiety            


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